Emotionally Focused Therapy

Therapy is most effective when it focuses on the healing power of emotional connection. EFT was originally developed for couples but it also helps families who are in distress and individuals who want to understand how they connect with others and how best to deal with their needs for support from others. This includes those suffering from anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorders and chronic illness.


Family Therapy

Humans are designed to need one another. Children start off entirely dependent on their parents and grow from there into independence and interdependence. Sometimes parents need extra help and support with this process. Sometimes as adults we recognize we didn’t get everything we needed at certain stages of our own development. Family therapy can involve the whole family or just focus on you, where you come from, and looking at why you do what you do in relationship.


Marriage Counseling

Your spouse is the primary provision for the removal of your aloneness and you are the primary provision for the removal of your spouses’ aloneness. Marriage is designed to be an incredible vehicle of growth and healing. However, couples oftentimes find themselves hurting each other more than helping. Through marriage counseling you can move from disconnection to connection, strengthen your bond, and re-ignite your passion.



Sort through the pieces of life, family, or what’s happening in the world. Intensives are tailored to your needs. We can go from from 3 to 6 hours at a time and are a great way to get a lot of work done all at once. Sometimes weekly counseling sessions don’t make a dent in the issues you’ve come to counseling for but taking extended time to dig deep can accelerate your healing and growth as an individual, couple, or whole family.



Healing and Connection

Feel it to heal it. Tears shed alone add to the pain. Tears shared with caring others heal. We all need a safe haven, someone to run to when we’re scared or hurting. We all need a secure base, someone to launch us into our full potential.